
Legal Research and Publications

Published on: 2024-03-08

Magnum v Enercon (2023) 10 NWLR (Pt. 1891) 109: Any Precedential Value to Contemporary Arbitration Law in Nigeria?

The Nigerian Weekly Law Reports in July 2023 published the Court of Appeal’s decision in Magnum ...

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Published on: 2024-02-20

The Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018: Appraising the Freedom of Movement Safeguards for Persons with Special Needs

The law office of C.V. Georgewill & Co is pleased to announce that its Lead ...

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Published on: 2024-01-31

Corporate Legal Personality under the Asset Management Corporation Act 2010 (as amended): Insights from G.S. & L Ltd & 2 Ors. v AMCON & Anor (2023)15 NWLR (Pt. 1907) 345


The irrefutable position of the law is that upon incorporation, a company b ...

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Published on: 2024-01-27

Blurring the Lines of Sovereign Immunity for the International Protection of Civil and Economic Rights


More than a century ago, the law of nations drew a red line which no nation ...

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